
Custom APIs

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, serve as critical facilitators in the modern technology landscape. They act as the connective tissue linking the constituent parts of an organisation’s technology ecosystem. By enabling these large, often isolated systems to communicate and share data, APIs foster a level of interoperability that is essential for achieving operational efficiency.

In essence, APIs provide a set of protocols and tools for the transfer of information. They define the methods through which different software components should interact, making them indispensable in creating scalable and flexible network systems.

The deployment of APIs to connect disparate monoliths allows organisations to leverage their existing technological investments while adapting to new demands without the need for extensive infrastructure overhauls. This approach not only streamlines processes but also reduces costs associated with system integration.

Moreover, APIs facilitate the creation of a more agile IT environment. As businesses evolve, their technology needs change. APIs enable quick adjustments to be made through the development of new connectors or the modification of existing ones, without disrupting the core functionality of the monolithic systems involved.

Customisation is a key aspect of our API services. Whilst many platforms offer APIs as part of their product, these may not provide the depth of data or functionality necessary for a truly interconnected ecosystem. Our solution is to design custom APIs that augment these generic offerings. These custom APIs incorporate specific handshakes that optimise the flow of your organisational data between previously isolated silos. In cases where generic APIs are unsuitable or non-existent, we have the capability to create APIs from scratch. These bespoke APIs are designed to extract, parse, and serve information, seamlessly integrating it into your data world.

Full-stack web applications

Full-stack web applications

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Infrastructure design

Infrastructure design

Designing, deploying, and maintaining the IT infrastructure essential for your technology ecosystem. This infrastructure is typically implemented in cloud platforms like AWS or Azure, ensuring robust support for your technological needs.

Data management hubs

Data management hubs

Data management hubs enable the reception, storage, processing, and serving of data from a diverse array of connections. It includes options for user-friendly interfaces and dashboards, enhancing accessibility and understanding.

AI data augmentation

AI data augmentation

We harness AI, Large Language Models, and real-time web searches to enhance your data, resulting in comprehensive, clean, and high-quality datasets that drive informed decision-making and contribute to business success.

Unified customer data

Unified customer data

In the modern business landscape, the integration of customer data from various origins is paramount for delivering personalised experiences and strategic insights. We bring together your data from CRM systems, social media interactions, transaction records, and...

Dataset merges

Dataset merges

Dataset merges, a cornerstone of data analysis, entail the unification of multiple datasets into a singular, comprehensive one. This process is vital for data enrichment, quality enhancement, and a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. However, it...

Cross-platform data sharing

Cross-platform data sharing

Cross-platform data sharing encompasses a comprehensive approach to the extraction, secure transfer, and ingestion of data between various platforms. This process ensures that data remains intact and protected throughout its journey from one system to another....

Tableau workbooks

Tableau workbooks

Tableau workbooks are powerful tools for visualising large datasets, enabling business leaders and analysts to delve into their data with ease. With a well-crafted workbook, your colleagues can segment and interrogate their data to uncover valuable insights.

Smart categorisation

Smart categorisation

Smart data categorisation is a pivotal aspect of modern data analysis. By employing simple rules, advanced machine learning, or AI contexts, we can tailor the categorisation process to meet your specific needs.

Smart data cleanse

Smart data cleanse

Smart data cleansing is essential in today’s data-driven world. Our service ensures that your data undergoes a thorough refinement process, employing both rule-based and AI filters. This transforms disorganized and ambiguous data into an format tailored to your specific requirements.



Live reporting dashboards are essential tools for real-time data analysis and decision-making. Whether built in Tableau, embedded in SharePoint, or run as custom web applications, these dashboards provide interactive and visually compelling insights into key...

Regression analysis 

Regression analysis 

Correlation and regression analysis are fundamental statistical tools used to measure the strength and direction of the relationship between two or more variables. They are widely used for prediction and forecasting, where their use has substantial overlap with the field of machine learning.